January 30, 2007

Heads Up!!

After thinking about it for some time, I decided to take the plunge and move this blog. Wanna find me? I'm here.

I will be working on importing my archives, but right now new blogger and wordpress aren't talking to each other, so I'll be leaving this up, at least until March 1st.


January 29, 2007

Writing on the Wall

So I've hit a wall.

I've got plenty going on in my life right now, a lot of it really good, but for some unknown reason I'm having a very difficult time writing about it, here or in my journal. It's a common enough occurance in the life of a writer, but damn is it annoying when it happens.

The last time I went through this was at least 5 years ago, and it was hell. I'd sit down, journal in hand and pen at the ready, and I simply couldn't start. The blank pages taunted me.

This time round I have both a blank page and a blank screen to face, and it's not any better. Perhaps it's because my focus is changing, but my writing habits haven't yet. The moment my pen hovers over the paper a couple decades of habit come into play, and it's a struggle to not fall back into those comfortable ways.

Well, you'll just all get to come along for the ride then, won't you?