March 29, 2005

Racking Up The Points

I spent part of the weekend and most of yesterday afternoon/evening helping the darling spouse put together a portfolio of his work for his final class tomorrow night. With any luck, the final product will be completed by early this evening.

It's been an interesting process.

I always thought I'd cheerfully throttle my sweetheart if I actually had to collaborate with him on anything, especially if there was a deadline, grades or money involved. I did consider it at least once last night, but it was more a function of the (slightly slapstick) way we deal with each other and hunger pangs than anything else. (Hint to anyone who wants a lifelong relationship - avoid major discussions if either one of you needs caffeine or sustenance - I promise life will be sweeter).

While we are both wound a little tight and just a wee bit more snappish than usual, it's not been as bad as I'd imagined. The frustrated Grr! Arghs! of 2 artistic people on deadline did emanate from our household until past midnight, but so did quite a few happy Yeahs!, plus a bit of giggling. (Hysterical on his part, I think). The little criminals must have sensed our need for their special powers - His Annoyingness designated himself the Project Cat and slept on the bookshelf or at my feet during the evening, occasionally putting a paw out to pacify me when I got a little agitated, and the Princess did what she does best - snoozed in her chair, occasionally slinking over for kibble nibbles and a quick nuzzle, reminding everyone how adorable she is.

The project itself has been an eye opener - I've had to use and expand my knowledge of digital photography & lighting, Microsoft Publisher and Picture It!, Adobe Photoshop and Google's Picasa 2 to make it all come together. Before this I'd mostly tried out exercises from books, and applied some knowledge to personal projects such as restoring old photographs and putting together newsletter pages. I didn't know how my knowledge rated in the real world. This has shown me how practical & applicable my skills can be, and that I'm good at researching. I will be forever indebted to the Vancouver Public Library for maintaining Graphics software books in their collection - buying all the books I've consulted would have cost a fortune!

And I've gotta say - despite his "I'm about to screw this up" pronouncements, my darling is GOOD. Talented. And much more of an artist than he believed himself to be.

1 comment:

laura k said...

We have been there with writing/editing projects - we are often partners in that, too. I found learning how to work together an incredibly gratifying process. It also adds another dimension - another bond - to a relationship that is (for me) so satisfying.

And on another note, I am now officially Caught Up with you, have read your whole blog, and will now keep up in semi- real time.