November 15, 2005

Our Heroine's Story So Far...

I have nothing really earth-shaking to write about today, so if that's what you're looking for, perhaps I can redirect you to some of deeper thinkers, like A.S. Byatt, Jessica Simpson, or David Suzuki? All you'll get from me today is a rundown on the rather mundane bits of my life...

All right then - you've been warned.

Originally I'd booked Thursday off, but circumstances beyond my control plus my inability to be cold & ruthless meant that I toddled my heinie into the office like any other work day. When one of my coworkers showed suprise that I was in, I jokingly said "I'm not even supposed to be here today" a la Dante, but sadly most of the people I work with are grown ups, so only one person caught the joke. Sigh. Sometimes I miss working with the happily immature.

Thursday night was one of the first highlights of the weekend - sometimes I forget how an evening with a few new friends, martinis and live music helps adjust the attitude and gain a little perspective.

Friday, Remembrance Day
Remembrance day always leaves me feeling a little bereft. I've no words for it. I just wish we were all more grateful for the sacrifices of others more often than the couple of weeks building up to the day. If you've still got your poppy, might I suggest sticking it on the inside of your car visor? That way everytime you pull that visor down, it'll act as a visual reminder...

That evening we headed out to the 'burbs for a family do to celebrate a birthday and gather together once more before the in-laws head to England. All sarcasm aside, I already miss them - they're in my 'favourite people' category. In pen.

We celebrated 7 years of marriage on Sunday, plus an additional 10 years being (mostly) together. Yes, we had fun. This was a low-key anniversary for us, and it was perfect!

The rest of the weekend was spent on errands, research (Toxic Nation - more later this week), catching up on my reading (Anthony Swofford's 'Jarhead 'and Victor Frankl's 'Man's Search for Meaning'), and working on a publishing project. I'm a geek that way. And now, back to the grind...


Anonymous said...

It was really great to have you along on Thursday! I'll have to organize these outings more often.

Glad the rest of your weekend was nice, and your anniversary was relaxing!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. What a great length of time to know someone for. Just the tip of the iceberg.