Motorcycle cop gets his Christmas spirit on...

Stiltwalker awes the kids of all ages...

Santa makes an appearance in all that fog.
OK - better late than never, right? It's been a couple of busy week for us, what with more visits to the vets (blood work, dental work and micro-chipping), errands, deadlines and a multitude of minor crises.
But I still had to share this with y'all, cause it really did get me in the holiday spirit.
We got to the parade route about an hour and a half before it started, as the DS wanted a spot curbside - he knows I have the world's worst luck, and always end up behind the tallest, widest guy in the crowd, so I really DID appreciate it even though I was a little cranky at having to leave my nice warm bed.
The day was perfect - a dense fog kept the tops of the towers hidden, and the air had that frosty tang to it that we normally only get when snow is due. Armed with coffee, gloves and layers of fleece, the DS and I hung out and watched as the curbside spots filled with portable chairs, strollers and sleeping bags. I was impressed by how organized the parents seemed - within a matter of minutes from arrival they would have their chairs set out and their kids tucked in under layers of blankets and the previously mentioned sleeping bags.
The excitement was palpable, and I honestly can't say who was more excited - the kids, their parents, or their dogs. After all, there were equal numbers of kids and dogs all dressed up as cute as can be - reindogs and reinkids, santa hats and antlers, jingle bells (big and little) and even a few carefully done up elves, complete with delicate pointy ears.
This was all in the crowd, mind you.
Of course we got right into it, and happily left our dignity behind when we donned bright red noses and antlers. Who says you have to be all serious when you're a grown up? I own appliances and have life insurance - I've fulfilled my serious quota for the year...
For those of you who missed the parade - Global TV will be televising the full thing on Saturday, December 3rd from 1 - 2:30pm. Check your listings for details.
Hello Cin...
Michele sent me today..Meet & Greet...
That Parade looks fabulous! Your photographs are stunning...It looks like this is a very very vlassy Parade...Santa is soooo...well..SANTA!!! LOVE IT!
I wish I could see this Parade on TV...but, as far as I know, there's no hookup with us here in Los Angeles....Gee, if you have more photo's, do Post Them!!! BEAUTIFUL! Great Holiday Spirit!
I meant CLASSY...my finger slipped!!!
I like your take on growing up. If more people followed it, the world would be a smilier place.
Thanks for sharing images and observations of the parade. Magical!
Popped in from Michele's again. Hope you don't mind.
Not at all! The more the merrier!
Hi! Michele sent me. And I just gotta say I've enjoyed your blog, but boy oh boy did I really relate to your subhead: What happens when you work in the corporate world but want to live creatively?
I did that for YEARS. I called it "serving my time" in corporate America. I'm a SAHM and an artist now. And thrilled to be out of the cube.
Anyway, I enjoyed my stay! (Love the cop w/ the red nose pic!!)
Hi! Michelle sent me.
I love your idea of a "serious quota" and know too many people who always act like grown-ups.
Hello, Michele sent me. ah, what a lovely parade, i miss a good old fashion hot dog summer sunny blue skies parade with a side of confetti.... thx for the post and pixs. Have a nice weekend. Cheers!
How cute! Thanks for spreading the holiday spirit :-) and hi, Michele sent me!
I love the cop with the clown nose! How cute it that?!!! Heehee!
hello! thank you for getting me in the holiday mood. in los angeles, every day is sunny so its very difficult to remember holidays with actual weather! now i look forward to the wee bit of rain we are expecting some time this....month. michele sent me today but i'll be back on my own! cheers!
thanks for sharing your images and observations about the parade.
here via michele's. :)
Man, that parade was seriously 1 block from my house (as you know) and did I get my lazy butt out of bed to see it? No... I am now regretting missing it! Thanks for sharing the photos!
love the santa shot!
Wow - love the stilt walker! I like parades almost as much as my kids do. The last one we were at was at Hong Kong Disneyland. It was awesome and surprisingly a little different than what we're used to back home (but still very much Disneyish).
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