August 29, 2005

Monday Morning Love List, #3

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Love - Going out on to my balcony at 5:47 this morning and not immediately melting from the heat.

Not so much - That not all my plants lived through my first year of balcony gardening.

Love - That the forecast for this week has promised rain, which we could really use.

Love - The fact that our little home is clean, clean, clean! Except the cats...

Not so much - The pile of ironing that's waiting to topple onto the next unsuspecting person who opens the closet door.

Love - The music playing on
Groove Salad this morning.

Love - Being present at the bonding of two people in marriage, which I did this weekend.

Love - The possiblities a fresh week provides.

Not so much - The rather long to-do list I need to wade through in the coming days.

Love - All the amazing people who've visited and left comments this past week.

Love - The way the 2-cat mafia seems to have reverted to kittenhood upon seeing all their toys in a new (accessible) wicker basket. Ever seen a cat deliberate over which mouse to play with? Too cute!

So... what's on your list today?

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