April 25, 2006

Monday Tuesday Morning Love List, #33

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Love - How much fun Lunchtruck and I had at Netchick & MJ's housewarming on Friday. Their place has an amazing view, and fabulous slide-y flooring.

Love - That I went against my usual loner ways on Sunday and headed out to the Dr Sun Yat-Sen Gardens with some new friends and my trusty camera. A wander through Chinatown afterwards has convinced me that I need to visit more often. (Yes, I have photos, and yes, I'll post some later this week).

Love - My sister's birthday is coming up at the beginning of May and I know exactly what I want to get her.

Not So Much - That the stash of photos on the home computer MUST GET CULLED. I'm hoping this won't be as annoying a project as I think it might want to be.

Love - The possibilities a fresh week provides.

Love - All the amazing people who've visited and left comments this past week.

So... what's on your list today?

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