Love - That I've been able to spend time with new friends and old this month.
Love - The cooperative idea behind Swarm Sketch - thanks LJ for passing this one on!
Love - The amazingly intricate snowflake designs you can create with paper and scissors. Don't have them on hand? Why not try making a virtual snowflake then?
Love - The possibilities a fresh week provides.
Love - All the amazing people who've visited and left comments this past week.
So... what's on your list today?
Love: All the parties I've been invted to lately
Love: The excitement of someone new in my life
Love: My office, and the fact that I can close the door and people let me work
Love: All my friends who have made my life so special lately
Not So Much: My IPAQ battery biting it, just as I sell my laptop.. Leaving me completely disconnected at home / and the upcoming trip. *sigh*
Love: The awesome lineup of guest bloggers (including you!!) that will be entertaining my visitors while I'm galavanting Europe!
Love - that I can spent half an hour making virtual snowflakes! :)
(it doesn't take much)
Love the patch of sunshine.
Love our new place to live.
Love how soon vacation is.
Love that there will be 3 Christmas parties within 3 days.
Love that I ahve internet at home again.
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