April 08, 2006

Dog Spotting

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Yesterday afternoon, as I hurried away from that place where I earn a paycheque to the un-yet savoured joy that is a Spring weekend, I came across this fine fellow...

No collar, no leash, (no suit for that matter) he was probably more well-behaved and focused than many of the people I see on a daily basis. I couldn't help wondering - was he waiting for someone? Did he need to do some banking? Or was he simply hoping to grab a sandwich at the deli?


Anonymous said...

So cute. I'm hoping he's just waiting for someone and not lost and hungry. He looks like he's doing ok.

That's funny since we have a picture up of our dog Casper at Lam(b) today.

Michele sent me.

carmilevy said...

Reminds me of the His Master's Voice dog from those old RCA ads.

Seriously, this is a beautiful picture. It tells a story, all by itself.

Good on ya for capturing it so eloquently.

Maribeth said...

That is just the cutest picture! We don't see that much either here or in Canada. But I have to tell you, you see it all the time in Germany. Only these guys have a proper collar and leash. They're just sitting there waiting for their owner to come out.

Anonymous said...

Aww, that's the most adorable photo, EVER! My heart did a little skip when I saw that. He/she looks so forlorn.

I hope you had a fatabulous weekend Darlin'! Looking forward to seeing ya soon.


atpanda said...

Awe! I hope he wasn't needing a home! Look at that guy all intent on what's going on inside. Good catch on the picture.

Thank you so much for vising me last week!!